Monday, June 29, 2009
Be Boy Buzz by bell hooks
Few words, but words chosen carefully and in large text, mimicking the "largeness" of being a boy with many personalities and moods. "All Be Boy Buzz."
The day after I read this book to my 6 year old boy, he called me "Be Woman" out of the blue... I didn't know what he meant. Then he said, "Remember the book momma? Be Boy Buzz. You are Be Woman!" I love it! You never know how a book will influence a reader.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Secondhand World - Katherine Min
This is the latest book the Korean book club is reading and discussing tonight. I almost didn't finish because I really had a hard time getting into it and was finding it painful to read even. Case in point, on page forty, Isa's four year old brother dies getting run over by the delivery van delivering the dishwasher her mother coveted. I was devastated and couldn't read on for days. I did pick it up again on Saturday night, determined to get as far as I could before book club.
This book is about a lot of sadness and tragedy, hurt and pain that the main character, a teenaged girl, Isa (Myung Hee) endured in the short 17 years of her life. Tough to read - but once I got back into it, I was drawn in. Katherine Min has an engaging style of writing. The many very short chapters were encouraging - I'd get to the end of one and say to myself read just one more to see what happens, but then I kept going, repeating this pattern.
Min's writing was beautiful in places and I often stopped to reread the words to let them sink in. I was really struck by the words near the end of the book, "It's a secondhand world we are born into. What is novel to us is only because we are newborn and what we cannot see, that has come before--what our parents have seen and been and done--are the hand me downs we begin to wear as swaddling clothes, even as we ourselves are naked." (pp. 272). I want to think about this sentiment and place myself into it's depths.
This was a haunting book for me and one that will stay with me for a while. Not many of the books we have read for the Korean book club have had this effect on me. It was interesting to learn that School Library Journal put this book on it's 2006 Best Adult Books for High School Readers List.
Katherine Min's website is interesting and sheds some light into the book here.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Savage - by David Almond
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Minji's Salon - Eun-hee Choung
Recently read Minji's Salon with a group of graduate level students who are teachers. As part of the experience they read many books that have multicultural topics and issues and I included this one in the mix. The goal was to have them NOT think about how to use the books with their own students (a natural thing for teachers to do when they read children's books) but to read the book and make personal connections if possible. I'll be posting about some of the other books we read in future posts.
They loved this book and it spurred discussions about girls and hair and trying to emulate older girls and women, something that most of the women in the group were able to relate to and shared many fond (and not so fond) memories about.
In this highly visual picture book with little text and short sentences, Minji spends the day in her own personal beauty salon at home doing up her dog in a similar manner as her mother is receiving at the salon in the city at the same time. The teachers loved the illustrations and were especially tickled by the similarities that occurred in the the spreads opposite of one another where the left side of the spread showed Minji's mother at the salon and the right side Minji's salon at home.
Similar elements are reflected in this manner such as the page with Minji's mother in rollers and getting color painted on her hair on the left and Minji applying children's multicolored paint and pencil and crayon "rollers" to her dog's fur.
My adult students had a good laugh at the spread depicting Minji's mother ensconced in a large hair dryer like contraption and the right spread mimicking this same scene with the dog wearing a pair of Minji's underpants as the "hair dryer" on its head containing a similar color and pattern as that of the hair dryer at the real salon.
There were other books about hair, including Nappy Hair by Carolivia Herron that were read and it really sparked discussion among the teachers about their own hair and both White and African American people's fascination with each other's hair and the frustrations with their own hair. It was a great discussion and these books really helped them make personal connections to their own hair. Of course, the discussion then included the children in their own urban classrooms, where African American students (especially girls) are strongly affected by the state of their hair.
I originally purchased the book for my daughter as it depicts a spunky Asian girl, just like my daughter. At just four, however, she wasn't as excited about it as my adult students were. Maybe as we continue to read it she'll be able to connect more. Just recently she wanted to try to put her own hair in a ponytail because she has a classmate who does her own and she wanted to experience it too. Sadly she gave up in frustration... I guess it's not time yet!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mei Ling Hopgood - Author Reading
Last week our Korean Connection book club went to see visiting author Mei Ling Hopgood - Lucky Girl is her book. I had found a review of her book in the paper and the book club decided to read it and go hear her speak. Here is a picture from the event: She is the Asian woman in the middle.
She was adopted as a young girl from China and the book chronicles her getting to know her Chinese birth family. The book club was interested in reading the book and meeting the author because we have read many books written by Korean adoptees who are upset by the lack of culture exposure or interest their American parents showed as they grew up. Mei Ling didn't feel this way and said many positive things about her adoptive parents.
I finished the book when we went to see her and she read some excerpts from it. She read the scene where she describes hearing that her birthfamily is interested in seeing her. When I read it for the first time, the velvet dress she was wearing and food she was preparing when she got the phone call was very vivid. I loved hearing her read it as well.
It was nice having a few minutes to talk to her and tell her about our group. She has two Korean brothers who were adopted as well and this connection was nice for our book club group.