Friday, April 3, 2009

Book Trailers

Today while reading the new The Writer Magazine, I noticed a short article on book trailers. This was serendipitous because yesterday was the first time I have ever seen a video trailer for a book, much less a children's book. Yesterday's blog post includes the book trailer for The Book Thief.

I guess it is the latest trend and marketing tool in the publishing world for promoting new books. Many of them can be found on YouTube, MySpace and publisher's websites. Now I will be spending more time reviewing books in this manner!

I thought I'd add another book trailer I found on YouTube - a book I have not seen yet, but the trailer has me intrigued. A book about adoption and the young girl looks to be Asian with a Caucasian mom. Sounds like my story! I'll need to find this book to see if it is a quality book to share with my kids.

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