Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Best Books for Children?

Just read this post by Jennifer, blog owner of Mixed Race America and reposted as an entry for the online blog I am an ardent reader of, Anti-Racist Parent: For Parents Committed to Raising Children with an Anti-Racist Outlook. In this post she questions the list of "Best Kids' Books Ever" as espoused by Nicholas Kristof as written in the New York Times.

She questions the things I have pondered for a long time about "well-meaning" adults recommending THE books that all children should read, yet they often are mostly (if not all) non diverse in nature. These same well meaning adults give high praise to "classics" that are written from a White perspective, and most often, a male perspective.

When I was in graduate school and finding the topic for my PhD, my first passion was to investigate the notion of diverse children not being able to find books written and illustrated that included representations of themselves nor included life situations and experiences that reflected their own. This was fascinating to me, as well as appalling. As a child, I always had books that matched my White middle class self and read about characters who lived similar lives to my own. It's sad that it took me until grad school to learn that other children didn't have this same luxury. Although I didn't end up choosing this to be my life-long main children's literature research interest it still is a issue that is near and dear to my heart, especially as I look for books for my own children that reflect their Asian heritage - a heritage that is not my own, but theirs.

Jennifer's has written an interesting post in response to Kristof's op ed column - well stated, in my opinion. Wish I could have said it as well.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Great Website for a Great Purpose

I just found a great website that allows anyone to trade paperback books of all kinds (and even hardcovers, textbooks, children's board books, audiobooks, etc). It's called paperback swap. Click on the picture to learn more. - Book Club to Swap, Trade & Exchange Books for Free.

I just posted the requisite 10 books to earn 2 credits to begin swapping. I'll keep you posted on how well this works. What a great idea for sharing books and getting books for just the cost of shipping!